Certainly Red

Here's my first blog post wearing a red lip! Ta-da! Really trying to break out of my shell and wear some bolder lips. I have a bunch of reds but rarely use them--need to change that habit!

Bare Escentuals Summer all over lid, Urban Decay Buck in Crease, Nars Galapagos in Crease, Nars Mekong in Outer V, a little Urban Decay Half Baked on middle of lid 

Laura Mercier Oil-Free Tinted Moisturizer in Nude & Sand (mixed)
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage
Mac Mineralized Skin Finish
Laura Mercier Translucent powder
Mac Refined Golden Bronzer
Nars Madly & Illamasqua Lover Blush
TheBalm Mary-Lou Manizer
Anastasia Brow Powder in Brunette

Bare Study Paint Pot
Bare Escentuals Summer
Urban Decay Half Baked, Buck
Nars Galapagos, Mekong
Rock & Republic Skintight (highlight)
Covergirl Lashblast
Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner

Revlon Certainly Red Lipstick
A little bit of clear gloss and Mac Melon Pigment

What do you think of the red lips? I always shy away from them! What's your favorite red lippie!?Thanks for looking!


  1. You sex kitten you! :D I like it! Nope, I love it!

  2. thanks dahlinggg ;) gotta get over my fear of red lips! haha

  3. Beautiful. I really wish I could get my eyeshadow skills going like that :)

    I have a Rimmel one called Red Passion that's been discontinued I think which I'm gutted about because its the perfect colour of red for me!

  4. I shy away from bold lip color but it looks great on you. I love the way you do your eyes!


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