WnW Comfort Zone Duochrome Smokey Eye

Here's a smokey going out look I did using the supposed mac club dupe in the Wet n Wild Comfort Zone palette (you can see my swatches and info on that here!) It's the right hand definer color. I love that this color looks so much more complex because of the duochrome!

WnW all over lid, Nars Mekong close to lashline in outerlid, mac wedge to blend, mac femme-fi to highlight


Nars Smudge-proof Eyeshadow Primer
Mac Blackground Paint Pot
Wet n Wild Comfort Zone (right hand definer)
Mac Wedge, Femme-Fi
Nars Mekong
Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner in black ink
Covergirl lashblast


  1. Love this look! I've been wanting to get Mekong, its such a pretty color. I got the WNW palette which I need to start creating more looks with.

  2. I just love this color but didn't know how to wear it....thanks for the idea it looks gorgeous on you!!

  3. Love this look. I've been lemming Mekong as well-- might just have to go for it! Do you use the gel eyeliner on your lower lash/waterline?

  4. That duochrome color can come off looking kinda red sometimes...you made it look awesome! the color combo was very pretty!

  5. You did an amazing job with this look! I absolutely adore it.

  6. wow this is so pretty!! you are gorgeous :)

  7. thanks so much everyone!

    @amy lianne: yup i use the bobbi brown gel eyeliner on my waterline (i dip an eyeliner pencil in it, then apply!) i also applied some of the WnW eyeshadow on the lowerlashline after!

  8. Such a beautiful look! This is the first time I have seen your face. I have only seen your eye looks on makeupalley. You are soo pretty!

  9. Have to agree with everyone! I really like this color palette :)


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